Fei Wang


I am a Ph.D. candidate in computer science at University of Southern California. I am grateful to be co-advised by Muhao Chen and Aram Galstyan. I am also fortunate to work closely with Kai-Wei Chang and Dan Roth. My research is supported by the Amazon ML PhD Fellowship and the Annenberg PhD Fellowship. Previously, I was a research intern at Google Cloud AI, AWS AI Labs, Amazon Alexa AI, and Tencent AI Lab (Seattle).

My research interests lie in natural language processing and machine learning. My recent work is centered around developing trustworthy (multimodal) LLMs, with a particular focus on preventing reward hacking, mitigating knowledge conflicts, and reducing hallucination.


Nov 15, 2024 Tutorial at EMNLP 2024 on “Enhancing LLM Capabilities Beyond Scaling Up.”
Jun 16, 2024 Six papers accepted by NAACL 2024. See you in Mexico City!
May 23, 2024 Guest lecture on “Debiasing in Machine Learning” at UC Davis.
May 13, 2024 My internship at Google Cloud AI starts.
Apr 30, 2024 Invited talk at the 3rd Annual Symposium of USC-Amazon Center.

Selected Publications

  1. preprint
    Fei Wang Wenxuan Zhou James Y Huang Nan Xu Sheng Zhang Hoifung Poon , and  Muhao Chen
  2. preprint
    Fei Wang* Xingyu Fu* James Y Huang Zekun Li Qin Liu Xiaogeng Liu Mingyu Derek Ma Nan Xu Wenxuan Zhou Kai Zhang , and 1 more author
  3. preprint
    Fei Wang Chao Shang Sarthak Jain Shuai Wang Qiang Ning Bonan Min Vittorio Castelli Yassine Benajiba , and  Dan Roth
  4. EMNLP
    Fei Wang Wenjie Mo Yiwei Wang Wenxuan Zhou , and  Muhao Chen
    In Findings of EMNLP , 2023
  5. NAACL
    Fei Wang Zhewei Xu Pedro Szekely , and  Muhao Chen
    In Proceedings of NAACL , 2022